The Integrity Code sets out general obligations and anti-corruption rules that apply to all Covered
Persons (FIH Executive Board Members, including candidates for election to the EB), Committee & Panel
Members and FIH Staff, as well as additional obligations that apply specifically to FIH executives and
The Integrity Code applies in its entirety to FIH Executive Board Members (including candidates for
election to the EB), Committee & Panel Members and FIH Staff.
All parts of the Integrity Code, except for specific obligations applicable to FIH executives and staff
(Section D of the Code) apply to athletes, officials and event organisers, by virtue of their
participation in or their selection to participate in FIH Events.
The Code set outs general duties for Covered Persons, such as a duty not to engage in any form of
discrimination or harassment. There are clear rules against anti-corruption.
Making a complaint
Any allegation or suspicion of a breach of the Code (or any other matters relating to integrity)
must be reported to the FIU, whether by confidential email to or brought to the attention of the FIH CEO.
FIH Integrity Code (note that effective date is 18th March 2022).pdf (389.8
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